A Support Community for the Loved Ones of Our Incarcerated Society

The Other Side of the Glass is a living breathing support community, for anyone who is a support to the positive growth of our incarcerated society. It is our mission to provide Support, Assistance, Fellowship, and Education. Using the strength of our unity to our advantage we can create a S.A.F.E. place for ourselves as well as our loved ones on both sides of the glass!

Support: The Other Side of the Glass has regular meetings where one can meet others in similar situations as themselves. At these meeting we discuss some of the troubles we may be facing and what we as a community can do to take care of them. Often times we accept problems as "just being how it is" however if many of us are facing the same issue we can use the strength of our unity to our advantage. Phone companies, companies that enable us to send our loved ones money, even having clothes an institution will allow us to visit in (we all know just because it was o.k. last week doesn't mean they will approve it this week) are just a few of the things that sticking together could improve for us all. Perhaps we could stop being prey to the big business that corrections has become.

Assistance: Several forms of assistance should be available from food, clothing, holiday gifts, utilities, and gifts to or from incarcerated loved ones. The available programs will be determined by resource availability, which at this time is by donation only. That means that together we conduct fundraisers so that we have the ability to provide for our little O.S.G. community : ) We also are a voice for those currently incarcerated that have no one at home. They can call The Other Side of the Glass and let us know if their basic human rights are being violated. We are not the A.C.L.U. but we may be a little easier to get a hold of. And of course if you are new to having a loved one in the system we can help you navigate your way, as we all had to do it at one point in time.

Fellowship: Aside from the regular support meetings where one can meet others in similar situations as themselves; The O.S.G. has lots of social events. The events are created by the community for the community so they are always comfortable for people in all of the different roles that we play from child to grandparent to friend and anyone in between.

Education: The Other Side of the Glass seeks out trained professionals to come in and assist us in making sure we are being and becoming the healthiest supporters we can be for our loved ones, as well as making sure ex-offenders are aware of what resources are available to them that will continue to assist them with re-entry. Not only do we need to make sure that we as family and loved ones are helping and not hurting, but ex-offenders don't always know what they might be able to do to strengthen themselves against that revolving prison door. They are not always aware that they can be individually bonded, increasing employability by protecting employers, or what agencies there are in their area that seek out ex-offenders, how to get charges expunged or get back voting rights, and much more. This can be our strongest weapon against recidivism, to keep ex-offenders home once they get there.

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